Gender and Technology

DMS 545 Gender and Technology::Thursday  5-8:40pm :: CFA 235

Josephine Anstey, jranstey at buffalo, office hrs TBA


This course focuses on the intersection of gender, technology and media. We will study the projects of artists and media makers working in this territory. We will examine  the machines (ideological, psychological, biopolitical, technical) that produce, reproduce, and challenge gender systems. Course material will consist of scholarly, fictional, filmic and interactive media works by by feminist, queer, and transgender scholars, artists and activists. Course content will change and expand as the class comes into dialog.

Upon Completion of the course student will be able to …

1. Trace the development of and contemporary trends in media theory and practice at the intersection of gender, technology and media. Reading/Media Work Assignments, Class discussions, Presentations
2. Discuss major theoretical issues at the intersection of gender, technology and media. Reading/Media Work Assignments, Class discussions, Presentations
3. Engage in contemporary debate/practice at the intersection of gender, technology and media with original work. Project proposal/paper abstract; project demo/paper first draft.
4. Integrate feedback and criticism into own work Final Project or Paper


Ana Antropy Blast TheoryKaren Char Davies
 Coco Fusco  Critical Art Ensemble  deufert&plischke
 Dragon Inquisition Eduardo Kac  Guillermo Gomez Pena
 Katherine Behar  Kelly Dobson – blendie, scream body  Christa and Laurent
Lynn Hershmann Leeson Marcus Coates –  Dawn Chorus Orlan
Paul Vanouse Sarah Wood and Lucy Harris – A murmuration Saya Woolfalk
Shout Factory Stelarc Stephanie Rothenberg
Tony Dove Urban Water Performance Group Victoria Vesna

Additional Artists/Artworks:

Additional Texts:

Not the Anthropocene Its the White Supremacy Scene or The Geological Color Line

* all texts on 2 hr course reserve

  • Modest_Witness@Second_Millennium.FemaleMan_Meets_OncoMouse : feminism and technoscience, Donna Haraway, 1997 (required)
  • This changes everything : capitalism vs. the climate, Naomi Klein, 2014 (required)
  • The affect theory reader, eds Melissa Gregg and Gregory J. Seigworth (selected chapters)
  • Alone together : why we expect more from technology and less from each other, Sherry Turkle, 2011 (selected chapters)
  • Patchwork Girl, Shelley Jackson
  • Whipping girl : a transsexual woman on sexism and the scapegoating of femininity, Julia Serano
  • Delusions of gender : how our minds, society, and neurosexism create difference, Cordelia Fine, 2010
  • Sex/machine : readings in culture, gender, and technology, Patrick Hopkins, 1998


  • Reading, Participation and Attendance, – You are expected to come to class thoroughly read/immersed on the material (not simply skimmed) and prepared for engaged participation with written comments/questions. (20 points).
  • Presentation One: Discussion Leader for reading: Assigned discussion leaders will make a hand-out note summary of the reading and present their comments and questions.  In addition they will hand in a prose summary of the chapter (15 points).
  • Presentation Two: Presentation of Artist/Group/Work. (15 points)
  • Project Proposal or Paper Abstract (1o points)
  • Project Demo or Paper First Draft (20 points)
  • Project or Paper Final (20 points).


Attendance for every class is mandatory barring serious emergency. Each student is allowed two unexcused absences for whatever reason (e.g., illness, weather). If extenuating circumstances arise (e.g., serious medical problems, child care), please contact the instructor as soon as possible to address the situation. Barring emergency circumstances, each absence after two will drop lower the final grade by a full grade for each additional absence (i.e.,3 absences = B→C). Punctuality is also expected. For the purposes of grading, three tardies will equal one unexcused absence.

Criteria for Incomplete Grade:

It is the policy of the College of Arts and Sciences and the Department of Media Study to grant incompletes for a semester only under extraordinary circumstances. Under any circumstances, incompletes will be granted only to students currently in good standing (i.e., regular attendance and passing completion of assignments). Requests for a grade of incomplete need to be submitted in writing, and should include a rationale, documentation for the reason, and a proposed schedule for completion.

University Statements: Please read this informational material on plagiarism, students with disabilities, and weapons as props.
